Class Rules

Class Rules:

  1. Be kind to each other.
  2. Follow directions and listen.
  3. Clean-up after yourself.
  4. Raise your hand to speak.



  1. Verbal warning
  2. Note to parent
  3. Phone call home 
  4. Conference with counselor
  5. Referral to office



DOJO Points

  • 10- Chew gum in class
  • 15- Candy from jar
  • 20- Treat from chest 
  • 25- 5 minutes of computer play time
  • 30- Sit by a friend
  • 35- Bring snack in from home
  • 40- 10 minutes of computer playtime
  • 45- No homework 
  • 50-10 minutes extra recess

*For more information on the DOJO system please visit